25年前,Ambio曾载文提出应警惕环境镉污染引起的健康效应。1998年在中国进行了这方面的研究,评价了因食用大米而接触镉人群的前臂骨密度(BMD)和肾功能,发现尿镉(CdU) 或血镉(CdB)高的绝经后妇女及血镉(CdB)高的男性,BMD均有所下降。在CdB或CdU与肾功能不全(视黄醇结合蛋白排泄增加)之间也发现了明显的、有统计学意义的剂量-效应关系及剂量-反应关系。第一次报道了日本以外的亚洲地区镉接触人群中存在骨不良效应。本文的意义在于阐明了亚洲的环境镉接触人群中仍存在着与肾和骨(镉的比较严重的有害效应)的联合效应,也讨论了一些欧洲镉接触人群的骨效应。
This paper presents the main findings of a study on health effects of environmental cadmium pollution in China, performed in 1998, i.e. approximately 25 years after the first warnings of such effects were published in Ambio. Forearm bone mineral density (BMD) and renal dysfunction were assessed in population groups exposed to cadmium via rice. Decreased BMD was found in postmenopausal women with elevated urinary cadmium (CdU ) or cadmium in blood (CdB) and among men with elevated CdB. Also, clear and statistically significant dose-effect and dose-response relationships were found between CdB or CdU and renal dysfunction (increased excretion of retinol-binding protein). This is the first report of bone effects among Cd-exposed population groups in Asia outside Japan. The report is also of interest since it demonstrates that bone effects, a comparatively severe adverse health effect of Cd, in combination with renal dysfunction, still occurs in environmentally exposed population groups in Asia. Recent reports on bone effects in Cd-exposed population groups in Europe are discussed.Ambio, Vol. 31, No. 6, pp. 478-481, 2002