
东非和西印度洋沿海水产养殖的发展:食品安全和地方经济的前景和问题 被引量:1

Coastal Aquaculture Development in Eastern Africa and the Western Indian Ocean:Prospects and Problems for Food Security and Local Economies
摘要 本文回顾了东非和西印度洋的岛屿在海藻、软体动物、鱼类和甲壳类动物的沿海养殖经验和状况。在许多方面,这一地区的沿海水产养殖仍处于发展初期,迫切需要制定旨在提高收入,确保沿海居民对可担负的蛋白质的获得的发展战略。本文也吸取了世界其它地区正反两方面的经验。用养殖对饲料和苗种的需要以及它对红树林的改变来说明,一些水产养殖活动是如何构成对全球海洋食品生产的净损失。在承认水产养殖是一个生态过程的基础上,本文提出了总体的和具体的可持续性指导方针。最后,本文得出结论,如果不能清楚地认识水产养殖业对自然生态系统的依赖性,它在这一地区发展就不可能完全发挥潜力。 This paper reviews the experience and status of coastal aquaculture of seaweeds, mollusks, fish and crustaceans in eastern Africa and the islands of the western Indian Ocean. In many respects, coastal aquaculture is still in its infancy in the region, and there is a pressing need to formulate development strategies aimed at improving the income and assuring the availability of affordable protein to coastal communities. This paper also draws from positive and negative experiences in other parts of the world. The requirements of feed and fry, and the conversion of mangroves are used to illustrate how some aquaculture activities constitute a net loss to global seafood production. The paper presents both general and specific sustainability guidelines based on the acknowledgement of aquaculture as an ecological process. It is concluded that without clear recognition of its dependence on natural ecosystems, the aquaculture industry is unlikely to develop to its full potential in the region.
出处 《AMBIO-人类环境杂志》 2002年第7期537-542,621,共6页
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