1979年4月23日—12月27日,我们用北京天文台40/200cm双筒天体照相仪对旋涡星系M100(NGC 4321)中的亮超新星SN1979c进行了照相观测.本文简述了观测情况,并结合前人的观测,分析讨论了我们的结果. 它的光变曲线可以`划分为四个阶段.5月8日—6月5日间光变曲线有驼峰状突起.其光度变化既不同于Ⅰ型超新星,也与典型的Ⅱ型超新星不完全吻合. 计算得到超新星亮度极大时的绝对照相星等为M_(pg)(max)=-19^(m)78;极大光度L_SN(max)=1.076×10^(10)L⊙. 我们利用Balinskaya和Carney等人1980年发表的三色测光资料计算了这颗超新星在不同时刻的色温度变化,推算出它极大时刻的色温度约为T_c(max)≈9.0×10~3K. 爆发期间超新星辐射的总能量E_t=4.2×10^(16)L⊙. 根据这颗超新星的光变曲线、在星系中的位置及爆发期间辐射的总能量等主要特征,我们认为SN1979c是某些性质比较特殊的II型超新星.
We did a photographic observation on SN 1979c in spiral galaxy M100(NGC4321) with 40/200 cm double astrograph mounted on Beijing Observatory from Apr. 23 to Dec. 27, 1979. In this paper we discribed briefly the observational conditions, analysed and discussed, comparing with others' observations, some obtained results.The light curve of SN 1979c can be divided into four stages, it has a peak liking the hump of a camel from May 8 to June 5. The variance of its luminosity is different from that of type I supernova and neither is completely in conformity with that of typical type II supernova.We have given the position of this supernova in spiral galaxy NGC 4321 in this paper, and we consider it belongs to the stellar population I.The absolute photographic magnitude of the supernova on its maximum brightness obtained by calculation Mpg(max)=-19.m78 ; the maximum luminosity LSN(max)= 1.076×1010L.We calculated the variance of colour temperature of this supernova in different times by using the data of three-colour photometry published by Carney and Balinskaya et al. in 1980, deduced its colour temperature on maximum time is about Tc(max) = 9.0×103 K.During the burst period of this supernova, its total radiant energy Et=4.2×1016 L.According to the supernova's main characteristics of the light curve, the position in galaxy and the total radiant energy during its burst period etc., we consider SN 1979c should be classified to type II supernova with some special characteristics.