理论界对我国古代诗歌作品风格作分析时 ,一向沿用现实主义或浪漫主义的标准。本文援引白氏诗论 ,对我国古代诗歌发展史上重要作者及诗作进行分析 ,对传统界定的风格提出质疑 ,论证了“歌诗合为事而作”,“浪漫的也是现实的”
Theoriststend to use the standards of being realistic or romantic to analyze styles of the Chinese ancientpoems. The author applies the theory of the Whites (Beishi) in analyzing the principal poets and their poems in differenthistoric times. Hence,shequestions the traditional standards to demarcate poems. The author holds thatpoems are composed on the momentary impulse,romantic orrealistic.