The soluble Phosphate concentrations ranged between 0.0—2.93μmol·P/L with an average of 0.48μmol/L which is lower than the average phosphate in seawater Its horizontal distribution presented an even trend in summer and relatively large variation with the seasons,Even distribution appeared at various transects The measurent values during December 1980 to February 1981 were high leading large vertical variations with lower values at upper part of the water columm and higher values at the lower layer for most stations,vertical variations from other cruises were small resulting in roughly even distribution The diurnal variation of Phosphate was complex,its daily differences were between 0.12—2.47μmol/L;about 34%of the satations showed some tidal impacts the diurnal variation curve had the form of two peaks and two valleys roughly corresponding to opposite tidal variation,The annual variation presented a trend with one high and one low value,the peak appeared in winter the valley in summer.
Song Jinzhu;Wang Weiqiang
Journal of Oceanography In Taiwan Strait