目的 本文利用 98年卫生服务总调查城市部分的资料研究了健康指标对健康公平研究结果的影响 ,并对这种影响的产生原因进行了探讨。方法 本文分别采用两周患病率、慢病率和失能残障率等指标作为健康指标 ,统一用集中指数来衡量健康公平。结果 研究结果显示 ,由于指标自身的原因和不同社会经济状况人群间疾病谱的差异 ,用失能率和残障率等较为客观的指标以及用传染病患病率等对健康公平更为敏感的指标作为研究指标所得到的结果更为客观、可信。结论 在研究健康公平时 ,用失能率、残障率和传染病患病率等对健康公平敏感的指标作为研究指标得到的结果更为客观、可信。
Objective Taking advantage of National Health Service Survey (Ministry of Health 1998)this paper studies the impact of different health indicators on health equity research outcome in Chinese urban areas and explored the possible reasons.Methods The results show that disability rate and handicap rate are more objective than 2 week morbidity rate and therefore could produce more credible health equity research outcome.Results Infectious disease morbidity rate is also a good choice because it is sensitive to health equity.Conclusion Some indicators such as disability rate,handicap rate and infectious disease morbidity are more suitable to health equity research,becasuse these indicators are more objective and more sensitive to health equity.
Chinese Journal of Health Statistics