
语音情感识别的关键技术 被引量:18

Key Technologies in Speech Emotion Recognition
摘要 语音信号中的情感信息是一种很重要的信息资源,仅靠单纯的数学模型搭建和计算来进行语音情感识别就显现出不足。情感是由外部刺激引发人的生理、心理变化,从而表现出来的一种对人或事物的感知状态,因此,将认知心理学与语音信号处理相结合有益于更好地处理情感语音。首先介绍了语音情感与人类认知的关联性,总结了该领域的最新进展和研究成果,主要包括情感数据库的建立、情感特征的提取以及情感识别网络等。其次介绍了基于认知心理学构建的模糊认知图网络在情感语音识别中的应用。接着,探讨了人脑对情感语音的认知机理,并试图把事件相关电位融合到语音情感识别中,从而提高情感语音识别的准确率,为今后情感语音识别与认知心理学交叉融合发展提出了构思与展望。 Emotional information in speech signal is an important information resource.When verbal expression is combined with human emotion,emotional speech processing is no longer a simple mathematical model or pure calculation.Fluctuations of the mood are controlled by the brain perception;speech signal processing based on cognitive psychology can capture emotion better.In this paper the relevance analysis between speech emotion and human cognition is introduced firstly.The recent progress in speech emotion recognition is summarized,including the review of speech emotion databases,feature extraction and emotion recognition networks.Secondly a fuzzy cognitive map network based on cognitive psychology is introduced into emotional speech recognition.In addition,the mechanism of the human brain for cognitive emotional speech is explored.To improve the recognition accuracy,this report also tries to integrate event-related potentials to speech emotion recognition.This idea is the conception and prospect of speech emotion recognition integrated with cognitive psychology in the future.
出处 《太原理工大学学报》 北大核心 2015年第6期629-636 643,共9页 Journal of Taiyuan University of Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61376693) 山西省青年科技研究基金资助项目(2013021016-2) 山西省研究生教育创新项目(2015-24)
关键词 语音情感识别 语音自然度 声学特征 认知机理 模糊认知图 事件相关电位 emotional speech recognition speech naturalness acoustic features cognitive mechanism fuzzy cognitive map event related potential
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