
短期力量练习对老年人肌肉力量和身体功能的影响 被引量:3

Effects of Short-term Strength Training on the Muscle Strength and Physical Function of the Old People
摘要 为了充分证实不同的力量练习计划对老年人体质健康影响的效果,通过对比高速率的变阻训练(HV)、由慢到快速率的等阻训练(CT)以及高速率的变阻练习与身体功能练习相结合(CB)的3种不同的短期力量练习计划对老年人的肌肉功能和身体活动能力的影响进行了实证性研究。研究结果显示:与控制组(CO)相比,HV组、CT组以及CB组的肌肉力量都有显著性的提高,而CO的力量呈轻微的下降趋势;每周两次的HV练习在提高力量和爆发性身体功能时,要优于CT和CB组;与HV和CT组相比,CB组对增加老年人的力量也是有效的,这个结果对于那些不愿意或不能频繁参加力量练习的老年人是一个重要提示。 In order to fully confirm the effect of the different strength training programs on the physical fit-ness of the elderly, an empirical study was made on the effects of three short-term strength training programs on the muscle function and physical activity ability of the old people. Those programs are: high rate variable resistance training (HV), slow to fast rate resistance training (CT) and a combined exercise of high rate resis-tance training and physical function exercise (CB). The result shows that compared with the control group (CO), the muscle strength of HV, CT and CB improves significantly. And the strength of CO tends to de-crease slightly. The HV exercise twice a week is better than CT and CB in the terms of improving strength and explosive body function. Compared to HV and CT, CB is effective in increasing the strength of the old people. This result is an important suggestion to those who are unwilling or unable to participate in strength exercise.
作者 栗国军 米靖
出处 《体育科研》 2014年第6期59-63,共5页 Sport Science Research
基金 2010年教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金新教师类项目(20101112120006)
关键词 力量练习 功能能力 快速率 肌肉功能 strength training functional ability high rate muscle function
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