机器是在工业革命背景下人类智慧的产物,在人类征服和改变世界的过程中,立下了不朽功勋。为了更好地为自己服务,人类将思考的能力也赋予机器,谓之人工智能。而今,具备人工智能和高度机械化的机器开始向人类权威发起挑战。人类与机器对抗,也逐渐成为这个所谓文明时代的竞争主题。国象人机对抗——谁比谁更"深" "我认为需要教会电脑一点东西,教它如何认负!"
In May 1997, world chess champion Garry Kasparov, a Grand Master and considered the best chess player of his time, was defeated by Deep Blue; a machine made of silicon, plastic, and metal. The machine triumphed not once, but twice. This highly publicized match brought game theory to the attention of the masses and questioned whether man had usurped his claim as the most intelligent being with his own invention.