在篮球圈里打拼多年的老将名帅,为什么会产生到高校"创业"的冲动?一贯看重学历和科研成果的高等学府,为什么如此青睐这些连校门都很少踏入的"老江湖"?从篮坛宿将黄云龙和白江两人闯荡 CUBA 联赛的经历和感悟中,我们或许能管窥一二。
As the Chinese University Basketball Association(CUBA)league entered its fifth year in 2000,former Chinese women's national team coach Dong Zhiquan took the helm of the Tsinghua team as the league's first ever professional trainer. Following at Dong's heels,former Chinese national players Li Hanting,Guo Yonglin,Huang Yunlong,Bai Jiang,Xue Cuilan and Ma Congqing joined the university league.