2004年4月16日和2005年3月20日,北航男排主教练周放一定不会忘记这两个日子。第一个日子是他带领12名北航男排队员参加在四川资阳举行的"全国排球甲 A资格赛",以资格赛第二的成绩闯进全国甲级排球联赛的行列:第二个日子是在河北廊坊的全国排球甲级联赛的保级大战中,他带领的北航男排以3:2力克东道主河北队,成功保级。
Zhou Fang,head coach of the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics(BUAA)volleyball team, says he will remember two important days forever. On April 16,2004,Zhou led the team to qualify for the Chinese first division league. On March 20,2005, his team edged out Hebei to avoid relegation to the second division.