新新潮的室内自行车项目,被称之为"脂肪燃烧弹",拥有最流行的音乐创造的一流运动氛围,是最激动人心的莱美项目之一。RPM 是一种无任何冲击的,对有氧系统要求很高而又适应不同健身水平的健身运动项目,参与者可以自己控制运动的力度和强度,在同伴的支持下,向自己的体能挑战,不管水平怎么样,都能完成训练。
RPM's focus is spinning,a program of training and fitness classes that use a special type of stationary bicycle.Spinning bikes feature pedals attached to a flywheel,which results in a smooth,continuous motion.A knob adjusts resistance,so the workout can be varied in difficulty even as it's tailored to each individual biker.