目的 探讨开放性立体定向“锁眼”手术切除颅内小病灶的手术方法和优越性。方法 2 0例颅内小病灶 (直径在 0 .6~ 3cm)在CRW立体定向仪及手术计划系统指导下 ,采用小切口 ,环钻开颅 ,显微外科手术 ,表浅病灶直接沿脑沟分离完整切除 ,功能区皮层下病灶 ,在导针引导下沿非功能区皮层下斜形径路分块切除。结果 在CRW定向系统精确定位下 ,病灶全切率达 10 0 %,5例功能区病灶术后神经功能保护良好 ,无手术并发症及死亡。结论 立体定向引导的“锁眼”显微手术切除颅内小病灶 ,是一种定位精确、微创、安全、有效的手术方法。
Objective To investigate operative method of microsurgical excision of small intracranial lession under stereotactic guided.Methods CRW stereotactic guided system was used for microsurgical operations for small inrtcranial Lession in 20 patients.The surface lession was removed in total.guided neddle was used during the microsurgery dissection,untill the deep lession was reached and was removed.Results Localization of CRW stereotactic guided system was accurate,the total removal rate of the lession was 100% without mortality and neurologicwl deficient occured following the procedure.Conclusions Stereotactic guided microneurosurgery is a simple.Safe and effective technique with minimal invasion for small intracranial lession.
Chinese Journal of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery