
冠状动脉内放射治疗再狭窄的研究近况 被引量:1

Intracoronary radiotherapy for treatment of restenosis
摘要 血管成形术后再狭窄是一个临床常见问题,支架植入后再狭窄甚至达到20%或更高,特别是弥漫性血管再狭窄病变的治疗有一定的困难。为了防治再狭窄人们进行了许多研究,本文综述冠状动脉内放射治疗防治再狭窄的研究近况。 Restenosis after coronary angioplasty remains a common clinical problem.Even after the advent of stenting,the rate of restenosis is still to the order of20%or even higher in certain patient subgroups.Treatment is difficult,particularly in case of diffuse restenosis within stent lumens.The current status of intracoronary radiotherapy or treatment of restenosis was summsrized.
作者 谭文庆 黄钢
出处 《国外医学(放射医学核医学分册)》 2003年第4期145-147,共3页 Foreign Medical Sciences(Section of Radiation Medicine and Nuclear Medicine)
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