广大医务人员的医学模式认知对整个医学事业的发展起到重要的影响和作用。因此 ,作者对上海地区 2家三级医院 (市级医院 )、6家二级医院 (区中心医院 )、8家一级医院 (社区医院、乡卫生院 ) ,进行了有关医务人员现代医学模式转变意识的调查 ,分析与讨论了医务人员对于认识医患关系模式和患者权利方面与现代医学模式的联系。为了提高广大医务人员的现代医学模式的意识 ,适应当前医学模式的转变 ,本文提出了一些相应的积极对策。
Medical staff's recognization of medical model will make important influence to the whole medical undertakings. The anthor has survevyed some medical staff who are from two triple hospitals,six second hospitals and eight grass-roos hospitals in Shanghai district, about modern medical model.Through analynzing and discussing,the anthor proposed some positive countermeasures to improve medical staff's conciouness of modern medical medel and adapt to its tranformation.
Chinese Medical Ethics