公平合理地分配卫生资源是制定卫生政策的重要医学伦理学原则之一。作者在对高血压患者危重度分级的基础上 ,通过分析患者危重度等级与住院费用的关系 ,揭示了住院患者的资源消耗量与实际医疗需求相脱节的现象 ,提示我国卫生资源分配的公平性有待进一步提高。
Equality should be followed in allocating all health resources.By scaling the severity of inpatients with high blood pressure and investigating the relationship between severity and the amount of payment at discharge,the author discovered that patients' demands are out of line with their sonsumption of health resources,and thus equality should be paid more attention in healthcare policy making in our country.
Chinese Medical Ethics