“抗非”行动是一个社会综合行为 ,应遵循相关法律和技术规范 ,由国家承担最主要责任和大多数费用 ,并由国家强制力保证 ,动员全社会力量 ,群防群治。政府之责任并非为完全承担每一次突发公共事件的所有费用 ,而是促进社会建立一整套抗灾、救济、自助、复原和发展的体系 ,使社会自身力量能够全面发挥出来。由于我国现行法规体系、社会经济机制还很不健全 ,费用问题的处理将是一个长期和困难的过程。
It's a whole society action against SARS,which must be subject to the relevant laws and technologic reglations.It's the main responsibilities and sustain fare taking by the government must be assured by nation power.In order to protrect the innocent people and cure the infected,all people should be calling up. Instead of taking all fare, the government should attempt to establish a system of anti-disasters, doing self-helping,recovering and developing etc,to output the power fully of society whenever a catastrophic bursted forth.In long term,our government always emphasizes their duties on medical curing and economic,and doesn't pay much attention to prevention and public responsibility,the system of laws and the function of doing are not in well-condition.Therefore,how to deal with the fare is a long and difficult problem.
Chinese Medical Ethics