
小脑海绵状血管瘤(18例分析) 被引量:4

Cerebellar Carvernous Angiomas(18 Cases Analyzed)
摘要 目的 :研究小脑海绵状血管瘤的临床。方法 :回顾性分析经手术病理证实的小脑ICCA 18例。结果 :18例共 19个病灶 ,单发17例 ,多发 1例 2个病灶。 11例表现为小脑自发性出血 ,7例表现为颅高压及小脑症状。 15例行头颅CT检查 ,诊断小脑ICCA 2例 ,2个病灶 ;头颅MRI检查 16例 ,诊断小脑ICCA 15例 ,16个病灶。 3个病灶为囊性变。 18例均行手术治疗 ,其中 2例急诊手术清除血肿并全切除病灶。手术无死亡 ,疗效满意。结论 :自发性出血是本病的主要症状。MRI具有较高的诊断价值。首选手术切除病灶。囊性小脑ICCA可能为实质性ICCA内部慢性出血的结果。 Aim:To study the features of clinical manifestation,diagnosis and therapy of cerebellar carvernous angiomas.Methods:Analyzed 18 cerebellar cavernous angiomas confirmed by pathology after operations retrospectively.Results:18 patients had 19 focuses,17 had single focus and 1 had 2 focuses.11 patients had spontaneous hemorrhage in cerebella,others had symptoms of high intracranial pressure and cerebellar damage.Head CT was scaned in 15 patients and 2 patinets with 2 focuses were diagnosed.Head MRI was scaned in 16 patients and 15 patinets with 16 focuses were diagnosed. 3 focuses were cystoid.18 patients all had been taken operations.In 2 of them,hemorrhage and focuses were removed by emergent surgery.All focuses were removed totally.The effect of treatment is satisfying and without death.Conclusion:Spontaneous hemorrhage is the main symptoms of cerebellar carvernous angiomas.MRI has a high differential and sensitivity.Surgery should be the main treatment.Cystoid cerebellar cavernous angiomas may be a result of chronic hemorrhage of ICCA.
出处 《中国临床神经科学》 2003年第3期279-281,283,共4页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Neurosciences
关键词 小脑海绵状血管瘤 磁共振成像 外科手术 治疗 CT 诊断 cerebella cavernous angiomas MRI surgical therapy
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