目的 研究圆片、方片和球形磁源的空间磁场分布 ,为磁源使用和定标提供依据。方法 直接给出轴线和过极面中点与轴线垂直线上的磁感强度数值 ,采用有限元数值计算方法计算磁源空间磁感强度。结果 在轴线上 ,三种磁源磁感强度随离极面中心距离增加均单调下降 ;在过极面中点与轴线垂直线上 ,圆片和方片磁源磁感强度随离极面中点距离的增加在外形尺寸内单调上升、在外形尺寸外单调下降 ,球形磁源磁感强度则随距极面中点距离增加而单调下降。
Objective To study the space magn etic induction of the circular and square as well as sphere magnets, providing basis for use and measurement of magnets. Methods The mag netic induction on the axis and on the line which is vertical to the axis and pa sses the polar centers are shown by the finite element method calculating the sp ace magnetic induction of the magnets. Results The m agnetic induction of the three shapes of magnets fall down with distance going u p away from the polar center on the axis. Magnetic induction of circular magnets and square magnets go up in the shape and falls down out of the shape, as for a sphere magnets only fall down, with distance going up away from the polar cente r on the lines which is vertical to the axis and passes the polar centers. Conclusion It is important to study the space magnetic in duction for the standardization of magnets in magnetic therapy.
Chinese Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
国家中医药管理局青年基金资助课题 (No.95C0 0 2 )