目的 评价综合性健康教育措施对农村地区育龄人群的生殖道感染 性传播疾病知识的改善效果。方法 资料来源于 1998~ 2 0 0 2年实施的生殖健康 计划生育国际合作项目。利用准人群试验设计 ,从 3 2个项目县中选择 6个县作为干预组。选择人口和经济状况与项目县类似的 6个县作为对照组。采用结构式问卷共访谈 <3岁儿童的母亲和 <3 5岁男性青年 675名 ,干预组和对照组各为 3 67名和 3 0 8名。利用logistic回归模型分析项目地区和非项目地区目标人群在生殖健康 计划生育知识的差异 ,并用OR值反映差异的大小。结果 经过 18个月的综合性健康教育干预后 ,干预组在生殖道感染 性传播疾病的传播途径、危害、症状、处理和预防五个方面的知晓率明显高于对照组。logistic回归分析表明 ,在控制人口学特征因素后 ,干预措施与调查对象在传播途径、健康危害、症状、得病后的处理和预防五个方面的知识相关 ,OR值的 95%CI分别为 2 .4~ 6.4、2 .0~ 4.8、3 .0~6.4、1.9~ 5.7和 1.8~ 6.8。文化程度是影响目标人群掌握生殖道感染 性传播疾病知识一个重要因素。结论 综合性健康教育可提高目标人群的生殖道感染
Objective To evaluate the effectiveness o n comprehensive health education intervention program regarding reproductive tract infections/sexually transmitted diseases (RTIs/STDs) among reproductive age po pulation in the rural areas of China. Methods Data were generated from the Reproductive Health/ F amily Planning Project implemented by the State Family Planning Committee and th e Ministry of Health from 1998 to 2002,which covered 32 counties in 22 provinces .A quasi-experimental design was used.Six counties were selected from 32 projec t counties as intervention group,while 6 non-project counties were taken as contr ols which were similar in number of population and economic level to the counti es as selected.Subjects of the study were mothers with children under 3 years an d men under 35 years of age.A total number of 675 mothers and men were interview ed using a structured questionnaire by strictly trained investigators.Logistic m odel was used to compare the difference of knowledge on RTIs/STDs between interv ention group and control group.OR value was used to describe the degree of t he difference.Results Over the 18 month intervention period,persons in the intervention group had more knowledge of RTIs/STDs than those in control g roup.Logistic regression analysis indicated that intervention was significantly associated with better knowledge on factors as transmission,risks,symptoms,mana gement and prevention of RTIs/STDs with 95%CI of OR as 2.4- 6.4 , 2.0- 4.8 , 3.0- 6.4 , 1.9- 5.7 and 1.8- 6.8 respecti vely,after controlling the demographic factors.Level of education was an importa nt factor influencing the subjects to receive knowledge on RTIs/STDs.Conclusion Comprehensive health education intervention pr ograms had significant impact on knowledge about RTIs/STDs among the target popu lation,indicating that the Reproductive Health/Family Planning Project implement ed in the rural areas of China had been successful.
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology
Reproductive tract infections
Sexually tra nsmitted diseases
Health education