本文对成无己故乡聊摄何时陷入金国、成氏入金后居于何地、《伤寒论注解》及《伤寒明理论》何时撰成、何时刊刻、成无己生卒之年为何 ,元版《伤寒论注解》有何特征、李盛铎为何能得此书、该书何时从日本流入中国、今藏何处等诸多问题皆有详考。
s: This article is an all around investigation into the issues related to Cheng Wuji and his book Notes to the Treatise on Cold attack Diseases (Shang Han Lun Zhu Jie). In this article, the following contents were included, for instance, when Liaoshe, Cheng Wuji's hometown was occupied by Jin Kingdom, where he got on in Jin Kingdom, in which period the two books, Notes to the Treatise on Cold attack Diseases (Shang Han Lun Zhu Jie) and Concise Exposition on Cold Attack (Shang Han Ming Li Lun), were written and the time they were engraved and published, as well as the years Cheng Wuji was born in and died in. The following issues, including the characteristics of Yuan edition of Notes to the Treatise on Cold attack Diseases (Shang Han Lun Zhu Jie), how Li Shengduo got this book and the time it was introduced back to China from Japan as well as where it is preserved now, were also detailtedly described.
China Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy