第 2 3届IUGG大会一个突出的特点就是学科间的交叉和融合 ,充分反映了新世纪地球科学以实现全球变化的预测为目标 ,进行多学科综合研究的发展趋势。文章从IUGG内部跨学科的合作研究 ,IUGG与国际科联 (ICSU)各专业委员会之间的合作交流 ,以及IUGG与政府间组织和其他国际机构的合作三个层面 ,简要介绍了IUGG在全球范围内开展国际合作研究的概况。在此基础上 ,结合我国的实际 ,就拓展国际合作领域 ,提高我国地球科学研究水平 ,扩大我国的国际影响等提出了相应的建议。
An outstanding character of the 23rd General Assembly of IUGG is the interdisciplinary intersection and fusion.This fully mirrors the developing trends of Earth sciences which take realizing the prediction of global variations as a target and engage in multidisciplinary and comprehensive studies in the new century.The paper gives a description of the international cooperation studies made by IUGG in the world from three levels,such as the interdisciplinary cooperation studies in IUGG,the cooperation and interflow between IUGG and professional commissions of ICSU,as well as the cooperation among IUGG,intergovernment organizations and other international organizations.On the basis of the above,the paper,combining the present situation of China,puts forward relevant suggestions in expanding the international cooperation fields,raising the research level of Earth sciences of China,extending the international influence of China.
Recent Developments in World Seismology