文章在分析了《文献学概要》中提及的“总集”与“别集”的涵义的基础上 ,亦分析了《中图法》中设置的“总集”与“别集”的使用意义和使用规则 ,并着重论述了“总集”与“别集”在该二书中的差异之处 ,在此基础上提出了《中图法》在使用“总集”与“别集”
The paper analyses the connotation of 'group collection' and 'separate collection' mentioned in the book ' Essentials of Philology'. Based on this, the paper continues to analyze the significance and the rules of using 'group collection' and 'separate collection' in CLC, and stresses the different usages of 'group collection' and 'separate collection' in the two books. The paper finally puts forward some suggestions in using the term 'group collection' and 'separate collection' in CLC.
The Library Journal of Henan