目的:探讨高海拔地区(海拔3 480m)大鼠严重烧伤(30%Ⅲ度)后心肌病理变化及复方红景天参芪花粉对其影响;方法:建立烧伤模型,156只大鼠随机分为烧伤试验组(72只),烧伤对照组(72只),正常组(12)只,试验组伤前灌胃给药,其余给盐水;伤后3h、6h、12h、24h、48h、72h 6个时相点剖腹取心脏,10%福尔马林固定,常规石蜡包埋切片,HE染色;结果:烧伤对照组伤后3小时心肌间质增宽,充血,伤后6h~24h心肌纤维可见颗粒变性,并可见“波浪纤维”;伤后48h~72h心肌仍持续出现灶性凝固性坏死和溶解坏死,少量肌纤维断裂;烧伤试验组:伤后3h心肌间质轻度水肿,伤后6h~24h心肌纤维仅有部分颗粒变性,未见空泡变性;伤后48h~72h,仍有间质充血水肿,未见肌纤维断裂;结论:复方红景天参芪花粉对大鼠高原严重烧伤后的心肌损害有显著保护作用。
Objective: To observe the early pathological changes and the protect effect of Rhadiola Astragalus Codouopsis Compoud (RACC) of myocardium in jury in rats with severe burn at high altitade. Method: A total of 156 rats were divided ramdomly into experimental model group (EG. n =72) who were given RACC 4ml by oral before burn, control model group (CG. n= 72) who were given saline before burn and normal control group (NG. n = 12) The models of EG and CG were made by fire up to 30% Ⅲ degree burn. The heart of all models were talen at different timepoint after burn and fixed by 10% formalin. Then the specimens of heart were embedded by paraffin and were made sectious with HE dye. Results: In the CG: The myocardium stromas were widened and hyperemia after 3h burn. The clouby swellings of myocardium fibmes and wave fibres were finded after 6h-12h burn. There were continually coagulation necrosis and liquetaction necrosis at myocardium and the alittle of crack at myocardium after 48h-72h burn. In the EG: The myocardium stromas were small edema after 3h burn. There were only a part of cliudy swellings at myocardium fibre without vacuokar degeneration after 6h - 12h burn. The myocardium stromas were hyperemia and edema without the crack of myocardium fibre after 48h-72h burn. Conclusion:There is important protective effect of RACC on myocardium injury in rats with serere burn at high altitude.
Journal of High Altitude Medicine