Dianchi Lake is the mother lake and the main water sources and economic lifeblood for development of Kunming. In the past 30 years, the scale of Kunming expanded rapidly, a great quantity of sewage was drained into Dianchi straightly that brought about water eutrophication. On the base of thorough analyzing of the polluting actuality of Dianchi and its causing, the article puts forward the control countermeasure and advise: The harness of Dianchi Lake is a synthesis systems engineering, that requires to seek new ways, means and measure; We can handle harmoniously with biology, engineer, economy, policy and law measures, for instance, changing the water flow direction and exit, setting up pollution separating strap, dominating country cover pollution, adjusting industry structure, developing zoological agriculture, renewing basin zoological system etc. in order to control the pollution of Dianchi Lake at all.
Yunnan Geographic Environment Research