重庆蔬菜,包括叶类菜、豆类、瓜果类和根茎类已经受到重金属和农药污染。重金属污染以镉和铅为主,根茎类和瓜果类较为突出;镉污染最严重,排序为:根茎类 瓜果类 豆类 叶菜类,芋头和葱,虽然各自只有2个样本,但镉污染均超标,最大超标倍数分别达到1 9倍和5 1倍。农药污染以禁用农药甲胺磷、呋喃丹、氧乐果和对硫磷为主,污染相当严重,豆类和叶菜类尤为突出。造成污染的原因主要是环境污染、大量施用化肥、施用未经无害化处理的渣肥、污水灌溉和施用禁用农药。据此提出了治理重庆蔬菜污染的对策与建议。
The vegetable of Chongqing,including foliar kind, leguminous kind,melon&fruit kind,and root&caudex kind,have been polluted by heavy metal and pesticide.The pollution of heavy metal mostly are Cd and Pb, root&caudex and melon&fruit kind vegetable are comparatively prominent; The pollution of Cd is so grievous that all the kinds have been founded it,and the order is root kind melon kind&fruit kind leguminous kind foliar kind vegetable;Alrough taro&shallot have only two samples each,but the pollution of Cd all exeed standard,and the most multiple of exceeding standard separately reaches 1.9 and 5.1. The pollution of pesticide gives priority to inhibitive kinds such as Methamidophos,Parathion,Oxygen-Dimethoate and Carbofuran.The pollution is very serious and leguminous&foliar kind vegetable are comparatively prominent,and the cowpea&kidney bean are the highest vegetables on exceeding standard percent.The pollution of environment,using fertilizer largely,using dregs muck without disposing harmlessly,flooding with sullage and using inhibitive pesticide are the reasons of pollution.By studying and analyzing,We give our advice about vegetable pollution of Chongqing.
Yunnan Geographic Environment Research