随着校院二级管理体制的建立 ,当代大学人力资源管理的主体发生了变迁 ,专业二级学院开始拥有在本院范围内进行人力资源的规划、任用、调控、评价、培训等权力。作为大学人力资源管理的主体 ,专业二级学院的人力资源管理方式有其自身特色 :重视管理的人本化、科学化。
With the implementation of management system of the secondary college, the subject of human resource management in the university has changed. The secondary college is entrusted with rights of human resource management in areas such as planning, appointment, adjustment, evaluation and training. The characteristics of such a mode of management include humanism, scientism, elasticity and democratization in operation.
Meitan Higher Education