
四氮杂卟啉铁(II)催化降解水中有机污染物 被引量:3

Iron(Ⅱ) Porphrazine Catalyzing Degradation of Organic Pollutants in Water Medium
摘要 详细介绍了利用一种新的铁四氮杂卟啉作为催化剂活化氧降解水中染料如酸性品红、甲基橙、罗丹明 B( Rh B)和有毒有机分子对硝基苯甲酸 ( NBA)的初步研究结果 .用紫外可见光谱 ( U V- Vis)、高效液相色谱 ( HPL C)和红外光谱 ( FRIR)检测表明 :铁四氮杂卟啉 / H2 O2 体系有很好的氧化性 ,能使酸性品红、甲基橙褪色 ,但氧化效率下降较快 .发现了铁四氮杂卟啉 / O2 体系有很好的氧化性能且效率高 ,此体系能使有毒有机分子对硝基苯甲酸 NBA氧化开环 ,氧化率达 85 % ,在酸性、中性和碱性环境中都具有一定的氧化性 .7h内 ,在中性和酸性水中罗丹明 B降解近2 0 % ,尤其在碱性水中的降解达 5 2 % . We introduced a novel catalyst iron porphyrazine and our pilot used it as catalyst to activate H 2O 2 or O 2 to degrade some organic pollutants, such as acid fuchsine, methyl orange, rhodamine B and toxic p nitrobenzoic acid.The evidence of UV Vis, HPLC and FTIR indicated the FePz(dtn) 4 / H 2O 2 system has better oxidation preperty, can bleach acid fuchsine and methyl orange, but the oxidation activity of FePz(dtn) 4 to H 2O 2 rapidly decreases in the aqueous solution. Fortunately, the FePz(dtn) 4/O 2 system showed excellent oxidative capability and stability, and the FePz(dtn) 4/O 2 can oxidize and cleave the benzene cycle of toxic p nitrobenzoic acid which can be oxidized nearly 85 % . Furthermore it has definite oxidation whether in acidic, neutral, or alkaline aqueous solution. In acidic and neutral aqueous solutions the RhB was degraded nearly 20 %. Especially in alkaline aqueous solution it was degraded nearly 52 % during 7 h.
出处 《中南民族大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2003年第3期6-9,共4页 Journal of South-Central University for Nationalities:Natural Science Edition
基金 湖北省自然科学基金资助项目 ( 2 0 0 3ABA0 71)
关键词 催化剂 铁四氮杂卟啉 降解 污染物 罗丹明B 对硝基苯甲酸 catalyst iron porphyrazine degradation of pollutants in water rhodamine B p nitrobenzoic acid
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