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5M. Minow, Making All the Difference : Inclusion, Exehusion and American Law, Cornell University Press, NY, 1990.
6Stanley J.Vit ello,Dennis E.Mit haug.Inclusive School-Nat ional and Int ernat ional Perspect ives. . 1998
7Harry Danniel.Special Educat ion Reformed:BeyondRhet oric?. . 2000
8Cox,C.Inclusive educat ion and inclusive society.What can we do and promote from educat ional sys-t ems?. t he Int ernat ional Workshopon Inclusive Educat ion,Lat in America,Andean andSout hern Cone . 2009
9United Nat ions Educat ional,Scient ific and Cult uralOrganizat ion.EFA global monit oring report 2008:E-ducat ion for All by 2015.iWll we make it?. .
1Stanley J.Vit ello,Dennis E.Mit haug.Inclusive School-Nat ional and Int ernat ional Perspect ives. . 1998
2Harry Danniel.Special Educat ion Reformed:BeyondRhet oric?. . 2000
3Cox,C.Inclusive educat ion and inclusive society.What can we do and promote from educat ional sys-t ems?. t he Int ernat ional Workshopon Inclusive Educat ion,Lat in America,Andean andSout hern Cone . 2009
4United Nat ions Educat ional,Scient ific and Cult uralOrganizat ion.EFA global monit oring report 2008:E-ducat ion for All by 2015.iWll we make it?. .