The Internet is becoming increasingly more valuable in the field ofarchitectural design so that what we conventionally called CAD might soon be changed to Internetaided design (iAD). In order to have a clear vision of what IAD will be or could be, we should firstexamine what is currently available. This research focuses on an investigation of selected Webvendors, which are typical and most influential in providing Internet related services for the AECindustry. By comparing and analyzing their functionality, services provided, business models,technology and financial situation, we have seen that Internet application in the AEC industry isstill in early stage, especially in the area of on-line engineering consulting for architects.
互联网技术在建筑与工程中的应用已越来越受到重视 ,为了理清该领域的发展状态 ,以便为建立新的iAD模式奠定基础 ,该研究有选择性的对比较典型和在建筑工程领域中有较大影响的网络服务供应商进行了调查和分析 ;包括种类、功能、服务对象、营运模式、金融状态、地理、语言的因素 .从中我们发现互联网技术在建筑与工程中的应用处在起步阶段 ,并没有被广泛地运用到实际中去 .
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