
砂土中锚板抗拔承载力研究 被引量:25

Uplift capacity of anchor plates in sand
摘要 首先回顾了砂土中锚板抗拔承载力理论与公式,然后进行密实度不同的砂土中的模型锚板上拔试验,结合以往的研究成果,阐明了砂土密实度、锚板埋深率、锚板的几何形状和上拔倾斜角度对锚板承载能力的影响,并对锚板极限承载力的计算公式进行了评价。按照从条形锚板到矩形锚板、从竖直锚板到倾斜锚板的思路,引入形状系数和倾斜系数,提出了方便工程应用的砂土中浅埋锚板统一抗拔极限承载力计算公式,并对模型试验的尺寸效应和计算公式与现场实测的比较作了说明。 The theories and calculation formul as for the uplift capacity of anchor p lates in sand were reviewed and investigated .The effects of sand density,embedment ratio,plate geome tric properties and inclination were analyzed based on the current model tests and p revious research.The uplift capacity calculation methods of strip anch or were evaluated.With the introductions o f shape factor and inclination facto r,a general formula is proposed to calculate the uplift capacity of square anchor,which is most widely used in engineerin g.Finally,scale effects and the com parisons of general formula with the in-situ tests are discussed.
出处 《建筑结构学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第5期82-91,97,共11页 Journal of Building Structures
关键词 锚板 砂土 抗拔承载力 埋深率 形状系数 倾斜系数 密实度 anchor plates sand uplift capacity embedment ratio shape factor inclination factor
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