当前 ,我国在运用财政政策和货币政策实现内外部均衡过程中 ,要受到体制环境、社会环境等各种因素的制约。由于人民币利率和人民币汇率的市场化程度都比较低 ,决定了我国内外部均衡的实现要依靠政府强有力的宏观调控政策 ,但政府采取的货币政策的实施效果又被当今社会诚信缺失所破坏。我国目前对境内机构经常项目外汇收入所实行的强制结汇政策也导致了外部失衡对内部均衡的冲击。城乡居民边际消费倾向的降低使财政政策的效果大打折扣。不过 ,由于我国进出口商品结构的变化 ,进出口商品的需求弹性系数在逐步提高 。
With controlled exchange rate and interest rate of RMB, the dynamic macroeconomic policies should be put into practice in the course of realizing internal and external equilibrium in our country. But the effect of monetary policy is disturbed by lack of honesty and credit. The marginal propensity to consume in our country is tending towards descent so as to discounting the result of fiscal policy. However, with a rise of the elasticity to demand of import and export, the environment that payment of balance is realized through cutting down exchange rate of RMB has been improved year by year.
Commercial Research