水泥混凝土路面在其使用年限末期 ,不能再承担服务功能时 ,需要对其进行处理以建构新的路面结构。国内在旧水泥混凝土路面处理方面方法不够完善 ,这与我国机械设备制造工艺相对落后有关。国外 (主要指美国 )在处理旧水泥混凝土板块的过程中积累了丰富经验 ,形成了在旧水泥混凝土路面破损状况相对严重时的原位利用水泥混凝土路面的碎石化工艺。这一工艺能将水泥混凝土路面破碎成小粒径嵌挤颗粒 ,从而为新的沥青混凝土加铺层提供理想的基层。主要介绍国外水泥混凝土路面碎石化工艺状况及其设计方法。
At the end of longevity of cement concrete pavement, it should be rehabilitated to form a new pavement structure when the service capability is low. The technic means coping with this problem is limited due to the backward machine manufacture in our country. In respect to the treatment of old concrete pavement, foreign countries (mainly means America) have accumulated a set of technics, it includes crushing the concrete pavement for utilizing at position when the destructive situation is very severe. This kind of technics can crush the concrete pavement into pieces of different dimensions, so the new pavement structure can be paved on the crushed layer as a base. The crushing tcchincs and its design method is introduced in this paper. This technics has been imported into our country under the propagating of the department transportation of Shandong province, and a test road has been constructed.