钢 -混凝土组合梁剪力连接程度是依据截面极限状态的抗弯强度定义的 ,即使是完全抗剪连接 ,组合梁的混凝土板与钢梁之间仍存在滑移。采用有限元分析 ,构造了混凝土板 -连接单元 -钢梁的组合梁有限元计算模型 ,推导了混凝土与钢梁界面有限元连接单元刚度系数 ,分析了不同剪力连接程度组合梁的受力与变形特性 ,研究了剪力连接程度对挠度和混凝土翼缘有效宽度的影响 ,并对照已有的试验数据和相关规范进行分析比较。
Current definition of shear connection degree of steel-concrete composite beam is based on the ultimate flexural strength of the cross-section of the beam.However,the shear slip occurs between the concrete slabs and steel beams even for the full shear connected composite beams.In the paper,a finite element model of the composite beam with shear connectors is constructed and the shear connector stiffness is derived.The forced and deformation characteristics of five steel-concrete composite beams with varied connection degrees are studied.The influence of the shear connector stiffness on the effective widths of concrete flange is also analyzed.The calculated results are compared with the test data and the current specification respectively.
Industrial Construction