目的探讨CO2 激光治疗尖锐湿疣的方法和疗效。方法采用 0~ 5 0W连续可调CO2 激光器 ,波长 1 0 .6 μm ,光斑直径 0 .4~ 0 .9mm ,对 870例尖锐湿疣进行切割 ,气化、凝固 ,并同时配合干扰素治疗 .结果一次性治愈 84 2例 ,占 96 .8% ,二次性治愈 2 0例 ,占 71 .4 %。总治愈率 1 0 0 %。结论CO2 激光配合干扰素治疗尖锐湿疣是有效、安全的治疗方法 ,能有效地减少再发。
Objective:To study the ways and efficient to treat the condyloma acuminatum by CO 2 laser. Methods:We treated 870 cases of the condyloma acuminatum by CO 2 laser,which is 0-50W output power,10.6μm wavelength and successive wave, combined with the interferon(IFN). Results:The total cure rate is 100% include 842 cases(96.8%) by one time treat and 20 cases(2.29%) by two times treat. Conclusion:It is the most effective and safety way to treat the condyloma acuminatum that using CO 2 laser combined with IFN.This way can decrease the relapse.
Applied Laser