该文运用矢量方法对自主式水下航行器 (AUV )近水面的六自由度运动方程进行了推导 ,得到了一个适于在Matlab环境中仿真的高度矢量化的空间运动模型 ,并用在Matlab的仿真工具箱Simulink中建立的AUV近水面的六自由度运动仿真模块对AUV的近水面运动进行了仿真 ,在此基础上分析了波浪力对AUV的影响。该模型的建立和仿真为AUV近水面的稳定性分析和控制系统的设计提供了便利的工具。
By deducing the dynamic equations of an AUV making spatial motion in the water near its surface, the paper gives a new simple vector dynamic model and builds a set of simulation modules of the AUV with the Sinulink Tools of Matlab. With the aid of those simulation modules, the paper simulates the 6DOF motion of the AUV in the water near its surface and analyzes the effects of the wave on the AUV. By analyzing the simulation results of the track and attitude of the AUV, the paper brings a useful help and reference value to stability analysis and control system design of AUV.
Ship Engineering