文章通过对矿业权交易市场化问题提出的分析 ,阐述了矿业权市场的特点、市场化运行模式选择的原则、可供选择的运行模式 ,分析了我国矿业权交易市场化基本运行模式选择的现实性 ,并在此基础上提出了推进矿业权交易市场化的建议。
The marketization of mining right trade is not only the means of rational distribution of state-run resources assets,but also the power to accelerate the mineral resources prospecting industry to operate as enterprises.Based on analyzing the characteristics,principles,and suitable modes of the maketization of mining right trade,this paper argues the certainty and reality of choosing the basic operating mode of the marketization of mining right trade in China.Furthermore,it puts forward the suggestions on accelerating the marketization of mining right trade.
China Mining Magazine