用光学 光学双共振激光光谱研究了 7Li2 A1Σ+ u 态的Autler Townes (A T)分裂 .一个强的耦合场 (泵浦激光 )激发 7Li2 A1Σ+ u v′ ,J′←X1Σ+ g v″,J″跃迁 ,诱发A1Σ+ u v′ ,J′能级和X1Σ+ g v″ ,J″能级的A T分裂 .另一个探测激光从A1Σ+ u v′ ,J′能级进一步激发到 4 1Σ+ g 态 .扫描探测激光 ,监测 4 1Σ+ g 态碰撞诱导紫色荧光 ,从而探测A1Σ+ u v′,J′能级的A T分裂 .当耦合场频率偏离共振时 ,激发光谱线出现双重分裂 .在该实验条件下 ,分裂大小和泵浦激光频率偏离共振频率的失谐量成正比 .研究了A T分裂的两条线的相对强度与泵浦、探测光的强度及缓冲气体压力的关系 .
Autler-Townes ( A-T) splitting of the A (1)Sigma(u)(+) state of Li-7'(2) has been experimentally studied by pulsed optical-optical double resonance (OODR) spectroscopy. A stronger coupling field ( the pump laser) excited an A (1)Sigma(u)(+) v', J' <-- X (1)Sigma(g)(+) v', J(u) transition and induced the A-T splitting of the A (1)Sigma(u)(+) v', J' and X (1)Sigma(g)(+) v(n), J(n) levels, while a detecting laser (the probe laser) detected the A-T splitting of the intermediate A (1Sigma)(+)(u) v', J' level by the further exciting to the 4 (1)Sigma(g)(+) state and monitored the collision-induced violet fluorescence from the upper 4 (1)Sigma(g)(+) level. When the coupling laser frequency was tuned off resonance, the excitation signals displayed doublet splitting which was proportional to the frequency detuning of the coupling laser under the experimental conditions. The dependence of relative intensities of the two lines on coupling and detecting laser intensities and buffer gas pressure was studied.
ProjectedsupportedbyNSF (2 0 1730 2 9and 10 174 0 4 2 )andNKBRSFofChina