摘要减蛋综合症(Eeg Drop Syndrom-1976,简称(EDS-76)是由一种腺病毒引起的鸡传染病.本病主要特征为产蛋量下降,蛋壳退色,产软壳蛋或无壳蛋.EDS-76由Van ECK于1976年首先报道本病在荷兰发生.该病可使鸡群产蛋率下降20~30%,蛋的破损可达38~40%(Darbyshire,1980),无壳蛋、软壳蛋达15%,给养鸡业造成严重的经济损失,因此,世界各国极为重视.
4S. Takai,M. Higashihara,M. Matumoto.Purification and hemagglutinating properties of egg drop syndrome 1976 virus[J]. Archives of Virology . 1984 (1)
5Van Eck,J. H.H et al Dropped egg production, soft shelled and shell--less eggs associated with appearance of prccipitins to adenovirus in flocks of laying fowl. Avian Pathology . 1976
6Baxendale. W.Egg drop syndrome 76. Veterinary Record . 1978
7Schloer. G. W.Frequeney of antibody to adewovirus 127 in domestic ducks and wild waterfowl. Avian Diseases . 1980