目的 对第五期计划生育项目改善农村贫困地区妇女保健状况进行评估 ,探讨改善农村贫困地区妇女保健状况的有效方法和手段。 方法 对国际合作第五期计划生育结合项目的资料进行定量和定性分析。 结果 项目实施后 ,三个县产前检查率均达 80 %以上。新法接生率在隆化已达 1 0 0 % ,惠水及民和也较项目实施前将近翻了一番 ,在 90 %左右。妇女病检查率大幅度增加 ,妇女病患病率呈下降趋势 ,“五期”知识知晓率均有明显提高。 结论 以健康教育为主 。
Objective: The purpose of this study is to find out effective ways to improve maternal health care in poor rural areas by evaluation of the results of the 5 th cycle of integrated family planning project. Methods: To analyze the data from the 5 th cycle of integrated family planning project with quantitative and qualitative methods. Results: The results showed that:(1)The prenatal care rate wentup to 80% in each project township. (2)The rates of new delivery method increased remarkably, it reached 100% in Longhua and about 90% in Huishui and Minhe, the latter was double what it was before the project implementation. (3)The rates of health check-upforgynecologic diseases and proportion of subjects who have the knowledge of 'five-period health care” increased and the prevalence rate of gynecologic diseases decreased after the project implementation. Conclusion: It suggests that health care education combined with general check and treatment is the better way to improve maternal health care
Journal of Reproductive Medicine