
伊尼奥小单孢工程菌S_(96)深层优化培养特性研究 被引量:1

Study on the Fermentation Characterizatics of Micromonospora Inyoensis Engineering Strain S_(96)
摘要 目的 :伊尼奥小单孢工程菌S96的深层优化培养特性。方法 :借助于国内外学者的经验 ,并结合微生物生长和生产营养原理 ,粗筛出一组较合适的生产配方 ,然后应用正交试验和数理统计法 ,优化出适合于工程菌S96的发酵生产配方 ,其组成为 :淀粉 5 5 % ,黄豆粉 3 5 % ,K2 HPO40 0 4 % ,花生粉 1 5 % ,蛋白胨 0 3% ,葡萄糖 0 1% ,CoCl2 10r/ml,消沫剂适量。根据溶氧曲线 ,优化发酵工艺 ,获得一套较适合于工程菌S96的代谢曲线特性图 ,按照该曲线特性图进行调控 ,可使西索米星的生产水平接近于实验室生产水平 ,充分发挥了工程菌S96的抗生素生物合成潜力 ,达到了较为理想的效果。 The immersed culture characteristics of Micromonospora inyoensis strain S_ 96 ( strain S_ 96 )was studied. The medium constitution of fermentation by orthogonal layout[L27(3 13 )] about sisomycin produced by engineering strain S_ 96 was explored. The results of orthogonal layout show that reasonable fermentation medium constitution(%) is starch 5.5,soybean meal 3.5,K_ 2 HPO_ 4 0.04,peanut meal 1.5,pepton 0.3,glucose 0.1,CoCl_ 2 10 r/ml,and antifoam 0.05% Fermentation process was also studied. According to dissolved oxygen curve of strain S_ 96 ,combined with above reasonable fermentation,the typical metabolism character curves of strain S_ 96 strain were proved. Using this recommended control curves and fermentation medium constitution on scale-up fermenter,the titer of antibiotics in culture solution was nearly to flask level. The highest titer of sisomycin passed 1600 μg/ml.
出处 《中国药科大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第5期469-472,共4页 Journal of China Pharmaceutical University
关键词 西索米星 工程菌 伊尼奥小单孢菌 发酵工程 抗生素 深层培养 优化 Sisomycin Engineering strain Fermentation engineering Micromonospora strain Antibiotics
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