本研究探讨了在冬训期间 ,补充一个月的BCAA的实验结果表明 ,补充BCAA有利于维持训练负荷过程中血睾酮水平的稳定 ,提高睾酮 /皮质醇比值 ,促进体内生长激素的分泌 ,说明补充BCAA对内分泌代谢的影响主要是影响一些合成代谢激素的反应 ,如血睾酮和生长激素等 ,从而有利于运动机能的提高和加快疲劳的消除。
This study was to investigate the influnce of brached-chain amino acid supplementation on serum hormone.20 rowing athletes divided into two groups : the supplemental group (consuming 12 g x d(-1) BCAA for 4 weeks in addition to their normal diet) or the control group (normal diet only). During the periods of 4 weeks, all athletes were trained at the same relative or at the same intensity of work. Changes of serum testosterone(T),cortisol,T/C and GH were investigated before and after 4 weeks training.It was found that :1)the concentration T of contral group in 5th-7th week decreased significantly, but it is not found in BCAA group.2)GH and T/C of BCAA group were increased significantly in 3th week. These data strongly suggest that BCAA administration before exercise affects the response of some anabolic hormones, mainly HGH and T.
湖南省科技厅资助项目 (编号 :oossy10 13 -87)