
美国教师专业发展学校:理念、实施与问题 被引量:32

Professional Development Schools in America: Ideas, Implementation and Problems
摘要 教师是在实践中发展和成长的,教学和学习密不可分,中学和大学是“共生关系”。PDS蕴含的这些理念,在实施过程中,要求实习教师、在职教师、大学教授以及其他参与人员都扮演着与以往不同的角色,角色的转换将直接影响PDS的成效和未来发展。随着该教师教育模式的推进和发展,PDS将取得显著成效,但也存在着学校教师参与积极性不高、大学教授角色转变困难、文化制度阻碍实施等不容忽视的问题。 Professional development schools (PDSs) appear as new types of institutions that simultaneously prepare new teachers, provide ongoing professional development for experienced teachers, and support reforms in schools. Student teacher, school teacher and professor in university play the different roles within the PDs. The changes in their roles are crucial important. There have been some achievements in the PDSs in recent years. However, there are some problems as follows; teachers haven' t taken an active part in the cause; professors in universities feel difficult in changing their roles; cultural system plays a role of obstacle for PDS implementation.
作者 赵昌木
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第10期42-46,共5页 Studies in Foreign Education
关键词 美国 教师专业发展学校 职前培养 师资培养 教育模式 教师教育 America teacher education professional development role
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