根据深圳盐坝高速下洞大桥加宽段的设计 ,因加宽段预制箱梁无法利用架桥机架设 ,必须采用人工横移 ,施工难度大。在施工中采用穿心式千斤顶单向张拉的横移技术 ,取得较好的效果 ,既达到施工安全、高效的目的、又可保证工程质量 。
According to the design of the widening section of Xiadong Bridge on Shenzhen Yanba Expressway, the widening section must be moved transversely and manually because it is impossible to erect the widening section without bridge girders erection equipment, so the construction is very hard. This paper introduces the transverse moving technology for precast box beam, i.e. the through jack being tensioned in one direction in construction. Results show that it can ensure the safe and efficient construction and the quality of engineering.
Technology of Highway and Transport