随着经济全球化的深入 ,进入新阶段的发展经济学开始关注一些新问题 ,其研究视角、研究方法甚至整个理论体系也开始发生变化 ,发展理论研究显现出新的趋势。主要表现为 :可持续发展的机制研究不断深化 ;社会经济发展理论研究更深入 ,发展经济学开始发生异化 ;缩小技术知识差距和不平衡发展是发展经济学关注的新焦点 ;改善不公平分配、减轻贫困仍是发展经济学所关注的问题 ;“良政”(GovernanceInitiative)将成为发展理论研究的焦点之一 ;实证性案例研究是发展理论研究的主流 ;发展理论研究与发展政策和实践结合更加紧密 ,加强了发展经济学的应用性。
With the deepening of economic globalization,development economics has entered a new phase.Now the focus of attention is on some new problems, changes in research perspectives and methods,and even the entire theoretical system.Thus,the new trends in studies of development theories are primarily as follows:the study of the sustainable development mechanism continues to deepen;with advances in social economic development theory alienation is arising out of development economics; development economics should continue to address the alleviation of unfair distribution and poverty;narrowing the gap of knowledge and technology and balance in economic development between the developing and developed countries are new problems which require serious attention from development economics;good governance has become a major issue in development theoretical studies;the empirical method of case studies has become the mainstream in studying development economics;and,finally,the practicability of development economics will be enhanced by the closer integration of development theories with development policies and practices.
World Economics and Politics