记述采自广西壮族自治区中部红水河地区蚱科5新种,即广西尖顶蚱Teredorus guaangxiensis sp.nov.,凹缘柯蚱Coptotettix curvimargiinus sp.nov.,齿股蚱Tetrix denti femura sp.nov.,粗体蚱Tetrixgrossus sp.nov.及忻城悠背蚱Euparatettix xinchengensis sp.nov.。模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所。
Five new species of Tetrigidae are described in the present paper, they are Teredorus guangxiensis sp. nov. ,Coptotettix curvimarginus sp. nov. , Tetrix dentifemura sp. nov. , Tetrix gros-sus sp. nov. ,Euparatettix xinchengensis sp. nov.. Type specimens are deposited in the Institute of Zoology, Shaanxi Normal University.
1. Teredorus guangxiensis sp. nov. (Fig. 1)
This new species is allied to Teredorus hainanensis Zheng 1993, but differs in : 1) length of body 5. 3 times its width; 2) lateral ocelli situated in the middle of anterior margin of eyes; 3) length of hind process which reaching over the top of hind femur about 4. 5 mm; 4) totle length of pronotum 3. 6 times the length of hind process which reaching over the top of hind femur; 5) length of elytra 2. 8 times of its width ; 6) hind wing reaching over the top of hind process.
Length of body: ♂9 mm; length of pronotum: ♂15 mm; length of hind femur: ♂ 6 mm.
Holotype ♂ , Guangxi: Xincheng, 24°N, 108° 6′E. 2002-Ⅷ-02, collected by Lo Guihu.
2. Coptotettix curvimarginus sp. nov. (Fig. 2)
This new species is related to Coptotettix sauteri Gunther 1941 and Coptotettix minhoiuensis Zheng et Li 2001, it differs from both in: 1) width of sulcus of frontal ridge narrower than the width of the first antennal segment; 2) anterior margin of pronotum obtuse angular; 3) width of midfemur narrower than the width of elytra; 4) hind tibia ochraeous.
Length of body:♀8 mm; length of pronotum : ♀9 mm; length of hind femur : ♀5 mm.
Holotype ♀, Guangxi: Xincheng, 24°N, 108°6′ E, 2002-Ⅶ-30, collected by Luo Guihu. 3. Tetrix dentifemura sp. nov. (Fig. 3)
This new species is allied to Tetrix bolivari Saulcy 1901, but differs in : 1) width of vertex slightly narrower than the width of an eye; 2) hind process reaching the base 1/3 of hind tibia; 3) width of pro-zona larger than its length ; 4) without a pair of short longitudinal keels between shoulders; 5) width of midfemur wider than the width of elytra; 6) lower margin of midfemur straight, with densely long hairs; 7) upper margin of hind femur with densely large teeth; 8) hind tibia ochraeous, with two black bands.
Length of body:♂9 mm; length of pronotum:♂10 mm; length of hind femur:♂ 6 mm.
Holotype♂, Guangxi: Xincheng, 24°N, 108°6′ E, 2002-Ⅷ08, collected by Luo Guihu.
4. Tetrix grossus sp. nov. (Fig. 4)
This new species closely allied to Tetrix yunlongensis Zheng et Mao 2002, but differs in : 1) width of vertex equal to the width of an eye; 2) anterior margin of vertex straight; 3) in profile, vertex and frontal ridge forming an obtuse angular; 4) frontal ridge not concaved before lateral ocelli; 5) humeral angle obtusely round; 6) hind wing not reaching the top of hind process; 7) disc of pronotum with numeral large tubercles; 8) upper margin of hind femur with densely large teeth.
Length of body: ♂ 9-10 mm; ♀11. 5-12.0 mm.
Length of pronotum: ♂8.5-9. 0 mm; ♀9. 0-9. 5 mm.
Length of hind femur:♂ 5-6 mm; ♀7. 0-7. 5 mm.
Holotype ♀ , Guangxi: Xincheng, 24°N, 108°6′ E, 2002-Ⅶ-08, Luo Guihu; paratypes, 3♂ ♂2♀ ♀, other data as holotype;1♀ , Guangxi: Tian'e (Bank of Buliu He), 320m, 24°9′ N, 106°9′ E, 2002-Ⅷ-07, collected by Jiang Guofang.
5. Euparatettix xinchengensis sp. nov. (Fig. 5)
This new species is allied to Euparatettix variabilis (Bolivar 1887), but differs in : 1) size short and robust; 2) antennae inserted the anterior margin lower one third of eyes; 3) head slightly projected above pronotum; 4) with a pair of short longitudinal keels between shoulders; 5) length of hind process which reaching over the top of hind femur about 0. 8 mm; 6) totle length of pronotum 11 times the length which reaching over the top of hind femur; 7) length of hind wing which reaching over the hind process about 1. 1 mm.
Length of body: ♂8 mm; length of pronotum: ♂8. 5 mm; length of hind femur: ♂5. 5 mm.
Holotype ♂ , Guangxi: Xincheng, 24°N, 108°6′ E, 2002-Ⅶ-30, collected by Luo Guihu.
Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University