
氧化铝微粉对镁钙系耐火材料性能的影响 被引量:5

Influence of Fine α-Al_2O_3 Powder on the Properties of the Magnesia-calcia Refractories
摘要 通过添加α Al2O3微粉的方法,研究了w(α Al2O3)对镁钙系耐火材料烧结效应和抗水化性的影响·研究结果表明,通过添加α Al2O3微粉可以有效地促进镁钙系耐火材料的烧结性能和抑制镁钙系耐火材料的水化速度·当w(α Al2O3)小于1%时,耐火材料的体积质量随w(α Al2O3)的增加而升高·当w(α Al2O3)大于1%时,随其增加耐火材料的体积质量下降,烧结效应变差·耐火材料抗水化性能随着w(α Al2O3)的增加而提高· Adding fine αAl2O3 powder to magnesiacalcia refractories, the influence of the weight of additive on the sintering behavior and hydration resistance of refractories was studied. The results showed that the sintering behavior and hydration resistance could be both improved effectively by adding fine αAl2O3 powder. The bulk density of the refractories will increase with the increasing weight of the additive if it is less than 1%. If the weight of the additive is more than 1%, the bulk density of the refractories will decrease and the sintering behavior will weaken. The hydration resistance will improve if the weight of the fine αAl2O3 powders increases from 0 to 5%.
出处 《东北大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第11期1068-1070,共3页 Journal of Northeastern University(Natural Science)
基金 国家自然科学基金 上海宝钢集团公司基金资助项目(50274020).
关键词 氧化铝微粉 烧结 体积质量 水化 镁钙系耐火材料 fine α-Al_2O_3 powder sintering bulk density hydration magnesia-calcia refractories
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