
一种改进的基于HLR/VLR体系结构的终身号码方案 被引量:2

An improved lifelong numbering approach in PCS networks based on HLR/VLR architecture
摘要 在PCS系统中,终身号码允许用户在改变运营商时保留其原有电话号码,本文提出的基于HLR/VLR体系结构Cache改进算法,能保证用户在多次改变运营商时,使用户实现真正的号码携带。在当前无线网络运营中,基于HLR/VLR体系结构位置管理的无线网络取得了极大成功,使得研究基于HLR/VLR体系结构的终身号码方案具有非常重要的现实意义。与原基于HLR/VLR位置管理Cache算法相比,本文算法的实现只需要软件升级和存储器扩容。随着软硬件技术的发展。 A lifelong number allows a user to change the PCS operators without changing his phone number. In this paper we present an improved cache method to support lifelong number for PCS networks based on HLR/VLR architecture. The improved approach can realize real lifelong number when a user changes different operators time after time. In current wireless networks, PCS networks based on HLR/VLR gain great success which makes the approach to have real significant meaning. Compared with the conventional cache method, the proposed strategy can be realized by software upgrade and memory extension. The method is feasible with the development of software and hardware technology.
出处 《通信学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2003年第10期87-92,共6页 Journal on Communications
关键词 PCS系统 终身号码 HLR/VLR 迁移用户 地址翻译 PCS systems lifelong number HLR/VLR migrated users address translation
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