目的 :真实了解南京市区相关人群艾滋病知识知晓程度 ,为政府控制及预防艾滋病制定相应政策提供科学依据及建设性意见。 方法 :针对 4类不同人群设计艾滋病知识问卷 ,采取随机、相对集中、匿名独立答卷 ,量化以百分制计分 ,评定艾滋病知识掌握程度。 结果 :向 4类人群发放问卷 2 5 0 0余份 ,收回有效问卷 2 4 36份。医卫人群组 991份 ,平均得分 5 8分 ;大专院校学生 4 73份 ,平均得分 39.9分 ;普通市民组 5 2 4份 ,平均得分 4 2 .3分 ;高危人群 4 4 8份 ,平均得分 4 7分。 结论 :南京市各相关人群艾滋病知晓率均未达到国家要求 ,急需加强宣传与教育。特别是医卫人群须迅速提高专业知识水平 ,否则难以承担防治艾滋病主力军的重任。
Objectives: To investigate the level of AIDS knowledge among people concerned in Nanjing city in order to provide scientific evidence and constructive suggestions for the government to formulate relevant policies for AIDS control. Methods: Three sets of questionaires on AIDS knowledge were designed, the scores calculated, and the results evaluated. Results: Of the 2 500 questionnaires issued to 4 different groups of people, 2 436 were collected back with effective answers, 991 from medical and health related workers with the mean score of 58, 473 from college students with the mean score of 39.9, 524 from common city residents with the mean score of 42.3, and 448 from those working in high risk environment with the mean score of 47. Conclusions: The level of AIDS knowledge among people concerned in Nanjing city was far below the requirement of the nation, especially among medical and health related workers. Efforts must be made to raise the level of AIDS knowledge of people concerned so as to enhance the prevention and treatment of the disease.
National Journal of Andrology
江苏省"13 5"工程重点医学专科科研基金 (2 0 0 1 5 66)
Knowledge level
Nanjing city