
精子细胞显微受精技术的研究进展 被引量:5

Advances in Microinsemination with Spermatid
摘要 采用卵胞质内圆形精子细胞注射 (roundspermatidinjection ,ROSI)或长形精子细胞注射 (elongatedspermatidin jection ,ELSI)技术治疗完全不能产生精子的非梗阻性无精子症 (NOA)病人已获成功 ,精子细胞可从病人精液或从睾丸活检组织中获取。但精子细胞的受精率和妊娠率令人失望 ,限制这项技术成功和阻碍其临床应用的许多问题仍然没有解决 ,包括精子细胞的核蛋白不完全成熟。 Men with non obstructive azoospermia(NOA) can now be treated by using intra oocyte round spermatid injection(ROSI) or elongated spermatid injection(ELSI). Spermatids can be retrieved from semen or from testis biopsy specimens. But the rates of fertilization and pregnancy with spermatids have been disappointing. Many problems limiting success rate and hindering a wide application of this technique still remain unresolved,including the incomplete maturation of spermatid nuclear, oocyte activation and identification of a live spermatid.
出处 《中华男科学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2003年第7期532-535,共4页 National Journal of Andrology
基金 江苏省生殖医学重点实验室开放基金资助 (K990 62 )
关键词 精子细胞 显微注射 受精 Spermatid Microinjection Insemination
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